We’re touched by this full review of our Tour Guide Boot Camp from Linda, who attended our NYC course in July 2021!
“Philosophically it appeared Trip School mirrored what I believe makes the difference between a ho hum guide and a next level memorable and meaningful guide. It was two 12-hour brain engaging, life infusing, thought conjuring, non-stop days. And I LOVED IT. …The secret sauce about what makes this course so effective is: it is the Socratic method on steroids with nowhere to hide. It was not “Hi I am Mitch. Let me tell you all I know about how to guide a tour.” But rather, for me anyway, let’s try this career path on for size and learn while we do it.”

Thank you Checkfront for naming us the #1 tour guide certification program!

“I want to send a huge thank you to Mitch and Alan for your wisdom and support. TripSchool is the best decision I’ve ever made (and you can make if you are trying to get into the travel industry). The information received left me excited, some left me scared, some made me cry, but we always had laughs. You guys are beyond amazing!”

I cannot overstate my endorsement of TripSchool! Worth every financial & physical step… priceless! Fellow TDs: contact me with any questions, I would love to share about my experience with you. I encourage everyone to consider TripSchool whenever you have the opportunity! Long live Mitch and Alan!

Dear Mitch and Alan,
Thank you so very much for pouring out your wisdom, passion and instructing me on the numerous options to lead tours in the large East Coast cities.
I learned so very much. There is no question I have a heightened sense of confidence in bringing groups to the area. Also I feel empowered to color outside the lines. I love that you two each bring different perspectives and preferences to the training. It helps give me permission to bring my own specific interests to tour and make it my own.
It is my sincerest hope that you each prosper and fulfill your hopes and dreams. You are a dynamic duo and a treasure to us neophytes. Also you are both very sweet and kind. It makes a huge difference. A tour without caring leaders isn’t the same.

9 days, 221,653 steps, 80.75 miles, and 3 cities later, we are heading home after a truly successful run with TripSchool’s Mega East Coast Training!
For any of my tour director friends looking to better themselves and their destination knowledge, I cannot think of anybody better than Mitch Bach and Alan Armijo to show you how to master your craft!

Thank you both for making my trip to NYC a successful one. The program was great (and have been kicking myself that I didn’t do the mega tour), I learned a lot, and the biggest thing was my confidence in getting around NYC went up exponentially! THANK YOU for such a great opportunity. I think what you both are doing is wonderful and fulfilling a much needed niche with continuing education and destination knowledge.

Great learning, lots of laughing, and wonderful group of leaders and motivated colleagues. Invaluable and memorable! Thank you so very much! Networking with fellow colleagues was also terrific.

Thank you Mitch Bach and Alan Armijo for an unforgettable experience on your MegaTraining!!!! Y’all are at the top of your game and offer us so much more than the basic where to go and how to get there!!! Your passion and enthusiasm for the industry is unsurpassable, and your energy is infectious!! Thank you for sharing all your secrets and not keeping them to yourselves. I am so grateful and privileged to be a part of such a wonderful community.

Loving spending time with TripSchool. 12 miles bashed out on foot around DC yesterday, and my brain is about to explode but such a great way to quickly gain insider knowledge of daunting American cities made all the better by sharing the learning experience with other TDs. Thanks to Alan and Mitch for the enthusiasm and amusement!

Mitch! I just finished my first tour and my group leader and students had such a great time! I used so much of what you and Alan taught me and I really felt it gave the tour strength and stability, and really put the finishing touches on what would have otherwise been a very basic mediocre tour. Thank you for being such awesome teachers!

It’s been an amazing Mega journey! 173,475 steps walked over 77.48 miles and 114 floors climbed, 2.5 hours of sleep in total, 1,563 cups of coffee sipped, 1 amazing Mitch and 1 fantastic Alan and – voila! – the first Mega TripSchool is successfully concluded!
It’s been beyond mind-blowing! I can’t give you two enough praise, accolades or appreciation!

Ta Da!!! NYC TripSchool … check!! I encourage anyone who wants/needs intensive destination training to sign up now to study with Mitch Bach and Alan Armijo at their TripSchool. They are superb instructors, knowledgeable tour guides, supportive, funny and a blast to be around!!

Hello fellow Tripschoolers, I am really excited to share that my first season as a Tour Director is coming together. I have tours booked west coast, Rockies, Ontario/Québec and Maritimes. After these got booked, with help from Mitch and Alan, I was lucky enough to get hired by Globus…wow…still can’t believe it. It’s going to be a busy summer.
A big thank you Tripschool for your help!

Guys, seriously, check out TripSchool training with the incomparable Mitch and Alan…it is AMAZING.

TripSchool Day Two—I love it, so much ground covered, so much helpful info!!! Worth every penny, mile, and minute…

Dear Mitch and Alan, you two made these last three days such fun and extra special with your excellent suggestions, advice and secrets. You are both such pros and you are so full of energy. I will not forget this time, and thank you both for all the help and support you provided for us all.
I will take another session with you all later when my feet recover, and will recommend your TripSchool to all.

My deepest gratitude to Mitch Bach and Alan Arimijo for their time, encouragement, and tireless investment in those of us on the TripSchool class—I had an awesome time braving the frigid temperatures, exploring NYC, and learning invaluable information!
P.S. Mitch and Alan, you will be proud to know I navigated my way from Chelsea Market to Grand Central and to my hotel in Queens using solely a NYC subway app as you taught us.

Training is officially over. Holy cow what a trip, TripSchool! This has been one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done. So incredibly happy to be a part of this!! I passed my New York guide exam so I’m officially a certified NYC guide.

I have spent many many hours and miles following these two around NYC, Washington DC and Boston. Brilliant in so many ways, kind and generous. Love ya, Mitch Bach and Alan Armijo.

This is the best decision I’ve ever made!! DC is absolutely breathtaking. All of these people are amazing!

I am finally on my way home. I had the best time ever! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!

Morning in Boston! With Mitch Bach and Alan Armijo of TRIPSCHOOL!!!!! Can’t say enough about these great guys!! Revolutionary in tour guiding!

There is nobody better to learn from than Mitch and Alan and their TripSchool. The entire experience is outstanding!!!

Thanks @thetripschool for bringing together so many wonderful, driven, like-minded people that are now family – people with the same passions, people that make it easy for me to be my truest self.

Not enough thanks to you BOTH for sharing your expertise with me!!! I am very thankful to be learning from the best!!!

About to go snowshoeing under the stars, on the Plains of Abraham, while learning of its battlefield history from a Local Guide. Then some hot chocolate! Being that snowshoeing has been on my bucket list for the longest time, I can’t think of a more amazing way to scratch something off my list! This is how TripSchool rolls. Yeah!

New career is off to an exciting start. Thanks to all who trained & encouraged me in this endeavor. I’m forever grateful to Mitch & Alan at TripSchool!

Life is a better place with TripSchool in it.
SO loved being able to do the NYC module! Kudos again to Mitch and Alan for putting together such a fantastic educational program! Looking forward to doing others in the future.

You are now looking at a New York City Licensed Guide! I survived the three day training of NYC, completed with TripSchool, and had such a great time doing it. Thanks to Alan and Mitch for creating such a great training and making it such a blast!

Doing my first tour. Thanks to Mitch and Alan I looked like a pro! Thanks for all your help and tips — they really paid off today!

I love love LOVE seeing all the camaraderie! Yay TripSchool!!!

Wow! What a pleasure to have been with you dudes and group of fellow TripSchoolers. I will be singing your praises to everyone. A million thanks!

We’ve done SO MUCH in so short a time! Met fantastic people, made some awesome connections, unlocked key NYC knowledge and – of course – had a few real NYC moments. And I passed my NYC license exam! I even earned a star!

Yesterday’s 13 hour (!) walking, educational tour training of D.C.: Great training, facts, insights, fun, laughter and sharing of invaluable knowledge.

Arlington National Cemetery this morning. Seen and experienced through the eyes of Mitch and Alan at TripSchool gives Arlington an entirely new dimension.

Dear darlings Mitch and Alan, Yesterday we had to do the dreaded “subway” part of a NYC student tour. Thanks to your excellent training, it went PERFECTLY! It was a goosebump moment seeing all the kids perfectly lined up along the platform. I couldn’t believe it. It was perfect. They were so excited! TripSchool rocks! I swear, we felt like Superstars! Afterwards, the vice principal was amazed how professional we were and was certain we did this every week. Guys: Thank you! You rock!

Great team of Mitch and Alan. Thanks! When you want to learn a destination completely, go to TripSchool. Love you guys!

Good morning “dynamic duo.”Heading out for a full itinerary of NYC all planned by myself. Thanks for giving me confidence, knowledge, encouragement, laughter and friendship to tackle NYC. Much love!

I know ya’ll are reeling from the 9 days as are the rest of us, but the information and experiences you shared are so valuable, I cannot tell you enough how much the NYC course has already helped me plan my tour in 2 weeks. The subway system is so much easier to maneuver and understand. I can’t wait to use the commentary and stories you both shared. Thanks for the time to share and get to know each other at the mixers. I believe the relationships are as important as the knowledge. Thanks for your encouragement and support for the future.
Y’all are bringing so much to the tour director platform, THANK YOU!!!!

You are wonderful and so encouraging!!!! I am still so amazed at how connected you are to us TripSchool grads! You don’t just take our money and leave us out to dry! Thank you again!!!!

My dear Alan and Mitch,
Thank you for the very informative time spent with you on the recent TripSchool. I look forward to the “retreats” and further educational trips, albeit with better weather and walking shoes! I look forward to receiving your further communications with excitement. I think I will just adopt you both.