2022 Online Course Megabundle!

This deal is no longer available.

Get instant, lifetime access to 50+ hours of professional guide training across 5 courses, to take your skills and career to the next level.

What you'll learn

  • All the Tour Technology you need to wow your guests
  • 20+ years of Student Travel tips and strategies
  • The craft of Storytelling...specifically for Tour Directors & Guides!
  • Best tips for getting hired as a tour director & guide + resume templates
mitch bach and alan armijo tripschool founders

Taught by Mitch Bach, Alan Armijo + Dozens of Real Guides

Mitch and Alan are the lead instructors and founders of TripSchool. They both have 20+ years in the travel industry working as guides, tour managers, tour operators and educators. This course bundle includes not only their core video instruction but also over 100 clips of interviews with tour guides around the world sharing their favorite tips.

This bundle will never be offered again.

Lifetime, immediate access.

This includes TripSchool’s top 5 most popular online courses:

  • Tour Technology Masterclass
    141+ how-to videos covering all the ways technology can help you stay organized and deliver exceptional experiences. Photo sharing apps. Connecting your phone to the motor coach screens. Playing Youtube videos on DVDs. Organizing your notes. Creating custom documents for your guests. Making a farewell video. Using QR codes creatively. Playing quizzes and collecting meal orders digitally. This course has it all.
  • Principles of Powerful Storytelling
    There’s simply no better way to captivate your audience than through crafting commentary that hooks and engages your audience. Luckily it’s not an innate talent, it’s a craft that anyone can learn.
  • Student Tour Mastery
    Interested in working with students? Leading student tours is a HUGE market, and one of the most rewarding things you can do as a guide or tour director. We share decades’ worth of creative ideas for how to make a student tour come alive, as well as covering all the basic logistics of deciphering itineraries and the special quirks of student travel.
  • How to Get Hired as a Tour Director/Guide
    Resume templates. Operators’ impressions of business cards, interview pitches. Sample interview questions. Tips for the best business cards. A directory of tour operators. Everything you need to understand the industry and get hired in it.
  • NEW JANUARY 1: How To Wow: Crafting Unforgettable Moments on Tour
    As a special bonus, coming January 1 you get free lifetime access to TripSchool’s newest course, in which we run you through dozens of creative ways to create moments on tour that will leave your guests remembering you forever, (and reviewing and tipping you well!)

Don’t take our word for it…

  • 150+ short videos & guide interviews
  • Dozens of Resources, PDFs and Links
  • Mitch Bach, Alan Armijo + Dozens of Real Guides
  • Lifetime Access

  • Certificate of Completion

  • 100% Online

  • Access to Community Discussion Group

  • Enroll Any Time


This course will be available soon. Please contact us with any questions.

Enroll now and take your skills to the next level!

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