What’s Inside

Written By Mitch Bach
Mitch has been a tour guide and tour director in NYC for 15 years, and is sought after as a guide trainer, industry speaker, and NYC tourism expert.
By the Numbers
New York Trivia
Neighborhoods & Logistics
Tips & Tricks
New York City History
New Amsterdam
Colonial New York
Revolutionary War
Between the Wars
Civil War
The Gilded Age
1900 – 1939
World War II and Beyond
Financial District
The Battery
Castle Clinton
Staten Island Ferry
Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine
Fraunces Tavern
The Canyon of Heroes
Customs House
Bowling Green Park
Charging Bull
New York Stock Exchange
Wall Street
Federal Hall
Trinity Church
Trinity Churchyard
St. Paul’s Chapel
Woolworth Building
City Hall & Park
Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
History of the Statue
The Statue
Ellis Island
World Trade Center Area
The Original World Trade Center
September 11, 2001
9/11 Memorial
9/11 Museum
The New WTC Complex
One World Trade
Fifth Avenue: 59th to Empire State
The Plaza Hotel
Grand Army Plaza
Tiffany & Co.
Trump Tower
The Saint Regis Hotel
St. Thomas Fifth Avenue
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral
The Diamond District
NY Public Library
Bryant Park
Grand Central
Empire State Building
Rockefeller Center
Rockefeller Center
The Gardens & Plaza
30 Rockefeller
Radio City Music Hall
Times Square
One Times Square Building
New Year’s Eve
The Paramount Building
New York Theater
Iconic Times Square Restaurants
Cohan & Duffy Statues
The Brill Building
The Ed Sullivan Theater
Studio 54
Central Park & The Met
The Dakota & Strawberry Fields
The Lake & Ramble
Bethesda Terrace
Conservatory Water
The Mall
The Dairy & Area
Cleopatra’s Needle
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Columbus Circle & Lincoln Center
Hearst Tower
Columbus Circle
Time Warner Center
Maine Memorial
Lincoln Center
The Juilliard School
Central Park West
The Natural History Museum

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